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A Two-phase Process for Software Architecture Improvement

3 Example

  We want to clarify the process described in Section 2 with an example that reflects aspects of a real system. Let us consider a system that is hierarchically decomposed into the following design entities: subsystems, modules and units. In Figure 2 the decomposition is described in a UML [Fow97] class diagram, which states that a subsystem consists of one or more modules. We will use italics for the names in the example and typewriter style for filenames and code fragments.

Figure 2: Example: Hierarchical Model

  The system consists of for instance 1518 units containing software, which are written in different programming languages, to name a few: Fortran, Pascal, PL/M, Chill, SDL, SQL, Prom, several assemblers, Make, RCS and Script. Units use each other by for instance calling a function. An import statement reflects a use relation between units, for instance in the programming language C [KR88] unit7.c can contain a statement


  This means that unit7 uses unit3. (In C a unit consists of a header file, containing function declarations, and a body file, containing function definitions.) The system decomposition is expressed in a part-of relation, for instance the pair <unit7, mod3> is a member of that relation, which means that unit7 is contained in (part of) mod3.

Idea 1:

  A unit U, containing archiving-related functionality, is located in the printing module and the architect considers moving unit U to the archiving module. To simulate the consequences of this change the architect modifies the RPA model by updating the part-of relation: <U, printing> is replaced by <U, archiving>. In Figure 3 we see on the left the original use relation on module level and on the right we see the new (simulated) view of the system.

  Figure 3: Module Use-Relation

  After the evaluation of the result, the architect decides to transform his or her idea into a recipe for changing the software. To explain the required modification in the software we first have to discuss how the design entities map onto the elements of the software archive, and explain the build process.

  Figure 4: Build Description

  Figure 4 shows a UML class diagram of the relationships of the build description. A version of the software consists of a number of directories in which files reside. Furthermore, a build description belongs to a version, which describes how objects, executables and libraries are created from the software files.

  We recall that in the programming language C a unit consists of a header file and a body file. A module is not explicitly available in the archive, but a filename prefix refers to the module name. A subsystem is reflected by a directory and a system maps onto a version. To move unit U from the printing module to the archiving module, we have the following recipe with changes.

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