<script language="Javascript">
<!-- Hide this script from old browsers --
function modRange (value, min, max) {
if (min == max) {
return (min)
var low = Math.min (min, max)
var high = Math.max (min, max)
var range = high - low + 1
var valOff = parseInt (value) - low
var mod = range * Math.floor (valOff / range)
result = low + valOff - mod
if (result < low) {
result += high
if (result > high) {
result = low
return (result)
function array () {
this[0] = null
function timerAppStart () {
this.stop ()
this.loop ()
function timerAppStop () {
clearTimeout (this.timeout)
this.timeout = null
function timerAppToggle () {
if (this.timeout) {
this.stop ()
} else {
this.start ()
function timerAppLoop () {
this.update ()
command = this.name + ‘.loop()‘
for (var i = 0; i < this.syncCount; i++) {
if (this.syncName[i] != ‘‘) {
if (--this.syncCountdown[i] <= 0) {
this.syncCountdown[i] = this.syncInterval[i]
command += ‘;‘ + this.syncName[i] + ‘.update()‘
this.timeout = setTimeout (command, this.interval)
function timerAppSetOutput (output) {
if (! this.output) {
this.output = output
function timerAppSetInterval (interval) {
if (interval) {
var newInterval = parseInt (interval)
if (newInterval > 0) {
this.interval = newInterval
} else {
alert (‘Interval value must be a positive number: ‘ + interval)
}||| function timerAppSync (name, interval) {
if (interval == null) {
interval = 1
if (interval <= 0) {
eval (this.name + ‘.unsync("‘ + name + ‘")‘)
var newIndex = this.syncCount
for (var i = 0; i < this.syncCount; i++) {
if (this.syncName[i] == name) {
newIndex = i
if (newIndex == this.syncCount) {
this.syncInterval[newIndex] = interval
this.syncCountdown[newIndex] = interval
this.syncName[newIndex] = name
function timerAppUnsync (name) {
for (var i = 0; i < this.syncCount; i++) {
if (this.syncName[i] == name) {
this.syncName[i] = ‘‘
if (i == (this.syncCount - 1)) {
function timerAppSetIncrement (increment) {
if (increment) {
var newIncrement = parseInt (increment)
//*Unix only* if (! isNan (newIncrement)) {
if (newIncrement != 0) {
this.increment = newIncrement
} else {
alert (‘Increment value must be a number: ‘ + increment)
function timerAppSetBounce (bounce) {
if (bounce) {
var newBounce = parseInt (bounce)
//*Unix only* if (! isNan (newBounce)) {
if (newBounce != 0) {
this.bounce = newBounce
} else {
alert (‘Bounce value must be a number: ‘ + bounce)
function timerAppSetOffset (offset) {
if (offset) {
var newOffset = parseInt (offset)
if ((newOffset > 0)
&& (newOffset <= this.output.length)) {
this.offset = newOffset
} else {
warnMessage = ‘Value of offset must be a valid index (0 - ‘
+ this.output.length + ‘): ‘ + offset
alert (warnMessage)
function clock (name, output, interval) {
// Initialize with default values
this.name = name // object name, needed for setTimeout
this.output = null // output area
this.interval = 1000 // milliseconds
this.timeout = null
this.syncCount = 0
this.syncName = new array ()
this.syncInterval = new array ()
this.syncCountdown = new array ()
// Define object methods
this.update = clockUpdate
this.start = timerAppStart
this.stop = timerAppStop
this.toggle = timerAppToggle
this.loop = timerAppLoop
this.setOutput = timerAppSetOutput
this.setInterval = timerAppSetInterval
this.sync = timerAppSync
this.unsync = timerAppUnsync
// Initialize with specified values
this.setOutput (output)
this.setInterval (interval)
}||| function clockUpdate () {
var now = new Date()
var timeHH = now.getHours();
var timeMM = now.getMinutes()
var timeSS = now.getSeconds()
var msec = now.getTime ()
var timeSSm = msec - 1000 * Math.floor (msec / 1000)
timeSSm = ‘00‘ + timeSSm
timeSSm = timeSSm.substring(timeSSm.length-3, timeSSm.length)
var timeString = ((timeHH < 10) ? ‘0‘ : ‘‘) + timeHH
+ ‘:‘ + ((timeMM < 10) ? ‘0‘ : ‘‘) + timeMM
+ ‘:‘ + ((timeSS < 10) ? ‘0‘ : ‘‘) + timeSS
+ ‘.‘ + timeSSm
if (this.output) {
this.output.value = timeString
} else {
self.status = timeString
function buttons (name, output, interval, increment, bounce, offset) {
// Initialize with default values
this.name = name
this.output = null
this.interval = 1000
this.increment = 1
this.bounce = 1
this.offset = 0
this.timeout = null
this.syncCount = 0
this.syncName = new array ()
this.syncInterval = new array ()
this.syncCountdown = new array ()
// Define object methods
this.update = buttonsUpdate
this.start = timerAppStart
this.stop = timerAppStop
this.toggle = timerAppToggle
this.loop = timerAppLoop
this.setOutput = timerAppSetOutput
this.setInterval = timerAppSetInterval
this.sync = timerAppSync
this.unsync = timerAppUnsync
this.setIncrement = timerAppSetIncrement
this.setBounce = timerAppSetBounce
this.setOffset = timerAppSetOffset
// Initialize with specified values
this.setOutput (output)
this.setInterval (interval)
this.setIncrement (increment)
this.setBounce (bounce)
this.setOffset (offset)
function buttonsUpdate () {
if (this.output) {
var newOffset = this.offset + this.increment
if ((newOffset < this.output.length)
&& (newOffset >= 0)) {
this.offset = newOffset
} else {
this.increment *= this.bounce
if (this.increment >= 0) {
this.increment = modRange (this.increment, 0, this.output.length-1)
} else {
this.increment = 0 - modRange (Math.abs (this.increment),
0, this.output.length-1)
this.offset += this.increment
this.offset = modRange (this.offset, 0, this.output.length-1)
this.output[this.offset].checked = true
// -- End Hiding Here -->
<FORM NAME=‘clock‘ ACTION=‘‘>
<INPUT TYPE=‘text‘ NAME=‘display‘ SIZE=8
onMouseOver=‘self.status="Click here to turn on/off clock"; return true‘>
<FORM NAME=‘imastudios‘>
<INPUT TYPE=‘radio‘ NAME=‘buttons‘>
<INPUT TYPE=‘radio‘ NAME=‘buttons‘>
<INPUT TYPE=‘radio‘ NAME=‘buttons‘>
<INPUT TYPE=‘radio‘ NAME=‘buttons‘>
<INPUT TYPE=‘radio‘ NAME=‘buttons‘>
<body bgcolor="#fef4d9" onLoad=‘wClock = new clock ("wClock", document.clock.display); wButtons = new buttons ("wButtons", document.imastudios.buttons, 500, 1,-1); wButtons.stop(); wClock.sync ("wButtons", 1)‘onUnload=‘wClock.stop(); wButtons.stop()‘ bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
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