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來源:新東方 2008-11-25 11:29:39 考試吧:中國教育培訓第一門戶 模擬考場

  81.reacts three times as fast as the other one

  82.are being replaced by the computer and the projector

  83.measures were taken to solve the problem of traffic jams

  84.crying over spilled milk

  85.Nor did the wife say a word of welcome.


  11M: The view is spectacular. Could you take a picture of me with the mountains in the background?

  W: I'm afraid I just ran out of film

  Q:What does the woman mean?

  12.W: Nobody told me that Bill was in the hospital.

  M: Sorry. I meant to give you a call when I found out but it slipped my mind.

  Q: What does the man mean?

  13.M:Can I borrow your calculus textbook? I left mine in the classroom. And it was gone when I went back.

  W:That happened to me once. I'd almost given up on finding it until I checked it at the lost-and-found at the information desk downstairs in the lobby.

  Q:What does the woman imply about the man should do?

  14.M: I'm really having trouble with this calculus course. If I can't start doing better soon, I'm going to have to drop it.

  W: Why don't you get some help from the graduate assistant? That's what he's there for.

  Q:What does the woman suggest the man do?

  15.W: I've been working on this report all day. And I've still got 12 pages to write. At this rate, I'll never get it done by tomorrow.

  M: Oh, that's right. You weren't in class today, so you probably haven't heard that the deadline's been extended a week.

  Q:What does the man imply?

  16.W: I don't think I want to live in the dormitory next year. I need more privacy.

  M: I know what you mean. But check out the cost of renting an apartment first, I wouldn't be surprised if you changed your mind.

  Q:What does the man think the woman will do?

  17.M: Those airplanes are certainly loud.

  W: Aren't they though?

  Q: What does the woman think of the airplanes?

  18.W: My brother is coming this weekend and I thought three of us could go out to dinner Saturday night. Any suggestions ?

  M: It's up to you. I don't know the restaurants around here that well. So you know a better place to go than me.

  Q:What does the man mean?
