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  Historians tend to tell the same joke when they are describing history education in America. It’s the one __1__ the teacher standing in the schoolroom door __2__ goodbye to students for the summer and calling __3__ them, “By the way, we won World War II.”

  The problem with the joke, of course, is that it’s __4__ funny. The recent surveys on __5__ illiteracy (無知) are beginning to numb (令人震驚): nearly one third of American 17-year-olds cannot even __6__ which countries the United States __7__ against in that war. One third have no __8__ when the Declaration of Independence was __9__. One third thought Columbus reached the New World after 1750. Two thirds cannot correctly __10__ the Civil War between 1850 and 1900. __11__ when they get the answers right, some are __12__ guessing.

  Unlike math or science, ignorance of history cannot be __13__ connected to loss of international __14__. But it does affect our future __15__ a democratic nation and as individuals.

  The __16__ news is that there is growing agreement __17__ what is wrong with the __18__ of history and what needs to be __19__ to fix it. The steps are tentative (嘗試性) __20__ yet to be felt in most classrooms.

  1.A) about B) in C) for D) by

  2.A) shaking B) waving C) nodding D) speaking

  3.A) in B) after C) for D) up

  4.A) rarely B) so C) too D) not

  5.A) historical B) educational C) cultural D) political

  6.A) distinguish B) acknowledge C) identify D) convey

  7.A) defeated B) attacked C) fought D) struck

  8.A) sense B) doubt C) reason D) idea

  9.A) printed B) signed C) marked D) edited

  10.A) place B) judge C) get D) lock

  11.A) Even B) Though C) Thus D) So

  12.A) hardly B) just C) still D) ever

  13.A) exclusively B) practically C) shortly D) directly

  14.A) competitiveness B) comprehension C) community D) commitment

  15.A) of B) for C) with D) as

  16.A) fine B) nice C) surprising D) good

  17.A) to B) with C) on D) of

  18.A) consulting B) coaching C) teaching D) instructing

  19.A) done B) dealt C) met D) reached

  20.A) therefore B) or C) and D) as


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