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  【例1】 (06-6 Passage One)           加耳機

11. [A] Social work.
[B] Medical care.
[C] Applied physics.
[D] Special education.
12. [A]The timely advice from her friends and relatives.
[B] The two-year professional training she received.
[C] Her determination to fulfill her dream.
[D] Her parents’ consistent moral support.
13. [A] To get the funding for the hospitals.
[B] To help the disabled children there.
[C] To train therapists for the children there.
[D] To set up an institution for the handicapped.
預覽三道題各選項,由medical care(醫(yī)療護理), hospitals, 以及therapists(治療專家)可推測本文可能與醫(yī)療工作有關(guān);而由special education(特殊教育),disabled(殘疾的)和handicapped(殘疾的)可推測本文還可能與殘疾人特殊教育有關(guān),但12、13題各選項并沒有涉及到任何有關(guān)教育的問題。因此綜合來看,本文主題很可能是關(guān)于殘疾人的醫(yī)療工作。
11.四個選項均是某一學科領(lǐng)域,由前面對主題的分析可推斷本題答案為[B]Medical care的可能性較大,聽音時再確認具體是哪個領(lǐng)域。
12.選項特點表明本題很可能是關(guān)于影響“她”做某種決定的因素(friends and relatives, parents, training, determination)。聽音時主要判斷是來自“誰”的因素。
13.選項均為不定式形式,表明本題很可能是考查某事的目的或原因。[A]是有關(guān)資金問題,偏離主題,不大可能為答案。聽音時需留意以下要點:help disabled children;train therapists;set institution for handicapped。
Born and raised in central Ohio, I’m a country girl through and through. [11] I’m currently studying to become a physical therapist, a career path that marks a greater achievement for me. At Ohio State University, admission into the physical therapy program is intensely competitive. I made it pass the first cuts the first year I applied, but was turned down for admission. I was crushed, because for years I have been determined to become a physical therapist. I received advice from friends and relatives about changing my major and finding another course for my life. I just couldn’t do it. I knew I could not be as happy in another profession. [12] So I stilled myself, began to work seriously for another year and reapplied. Happily I received notice of my admission. Later, I found out that less than 15% of the applicant had been offered positions that year. Now in the first two years of professional training, I couldn’t be happier with my decision not to give up on my dream. My father told me that if I wanted it badly enough, I would get in. Well, Daddy, I wanted it. So there.
After graduation, I would like to travel to another country, possibly a Latin American country and [13] work in a children's hospital for a year or two. So many of the children there are physically handicapped but most hospitals don’t have the funding to hire trained staff to care for them properly. I would like to change that somehow.
11. What is the speaker's field of study?
【解析】選[B]。推斷題。本題是問說話者研究的領(lǐng)域是什么。根據(jù)文中的studying to become a physical therapist可知說話人目前在學習成為一名理療師,而physical therapist明顯屬于medical care的范疇,由此可推知說話人的學習領(lǐng)域?qū)儆趍edical care(醫(yī)療)范疇。故答案為[B]。解答此題時切忌將physical therapist(理療師)中的physical與physics(物理學)聯(lián)系起來而誤選[C]。
12. According to the speaker, what contributed to her admission to Ohio State University?
【解析】選[C]。推斷題。本題是問說話者被俄亥俄州立大學錄取的原因是什么。根據(jù)文中So I stilled myself, began to work seriously for another year and reapplied.一句可知說話人堅持了自己的夢想,并努力為實現(xiàn)夢想而奮斗,由此可推知她最終被錄取是因為她determination to fulfill her dream(實現(xiàn)夢想的決心),故答案為[C]。本題的答案是解答本題要注意不能根據(jù)只言片語妄下結(jié)論,如聽到received advice from friends and relatives就誤選[A]。
13. Why does the speaker want to go to a Latin American country?
【解析】選[B]。細節(jié)題。本題是問說話者想去拉美國家的原因是什么。根據(jù)文中work in a children's hospital for a year or two. So many of the children there are physically handicapped but most hospitals don’t have …可知說話人想去拉美國家是為了help the disabled children there(幫助那里的殘疾兒童),故答案為[B]。
  【例2】(04-1 Passage two)                     加耳機
14. [A]Coca Cola.
[D]Fried chicken.
15. [A] He has had thirteen decayed teeth.
[B]He doesn’t have a single decayed tooth.
[C]He has fewer decayed teeth than other people of his age.
[D]He never had a single tooth pulled out before he was fifty.
16. [A] Brush your teeth right before you go to bed in the evening.
[B]Have as few of your teeth pulled out as possible.
[C]Have your teeth X-rayed at regular intervals.
[D]Clean your teeth shortly after eating.
14.由15、16題各選項內(nèi)容可推測本文主題應該是關(guān)于牙齒保健。而本題選項都是食物或飲料,結(jié)合對文章主題的分析,本題很可能是問哪種東西對牙齒有害。根據(jù)常識,四種食物或飲料中Coca Cola最容易傷害牙齒,因為其含糖量較高。
How many teeth have you had filled in the past 2 years? If you follow the advice of Dr. Forstic, you may be able to reduce the number of your visit to a dentist. Dr. Forstic conducted a two-year survey to find out how to prevent or reduce dental decay. 946 students took part in the experiment. 523 students cleaned their teeth within 10 minutes of eating. When possible, they used toothbrush. When this was impossible, they washed their mouth thoroughly with water. The remaining 423 students merely cleaned their teeth when they went to bed and when they got up in the morning. All the students had their teeth X-rayed at the end of the first and second years. At the end of the first year, the night-and-morning group had three times as many decayed teeth as the clean-after-each-meal group. At the end of the second year, the latter group had 53% fewer decayed teeth than the former group. [15B] Dr. Forstic has cleaned his teeth after every meal for 13 years, and has not had a single decayed tooth. [14A]He pointed out that sugar is a major agent in dental decay, particularly the sugar in sweets, cakes and soft drinks. Ideally, [16D]you should keep a toothbrush in your pocket and use it immediately after you have finished eating. When this is impractical, you can at least make sure that you have a drink of water and let the water through your teeth, to force out any particles of food. Seven out of ten people lose at least half their teeth by the time they are fifty. Many have a complete set of false teeth by that time. In any case, neither toothache nor a visit to a dentist is very pleasant. So, it is worthwhile making an effort to keep your own teeth as long as possible. The main preventive agent is simply water.
14. According to the passage, what type of food or drink is most likely to cause dental decay?
【解析】 選[A]。細節(jié)題。根據(jù)原文中“ sugar is a major agent in dental decay, particularly the sugar in sweets, cakes and soft drinks.”而 Coca Cola 是soft drinks中的一種,故答案為[A]。
15. What does the passage tell us about the condition of Doctor Forstic’s teeth?
【解析】 選[B]。細節(jié)題。根據(jù)原文中Dr. Forstic has cleaned his teeth after every meal for 13 years, and has not had a single decayed tooth.可知Dr. Forstic沒有一顆蛀牙,故答案為[B]。
16. What does Doctor Forstic suggest to prevent dental decay?
【解析】 選[D]。細節(jié)題。根據(jù)原文中you should keep a toothbrush in your pocket and use it immediately after you have finished eating.可知飯后保持牙齒的清潔是防止蛀牙的有效方法,故答案為[D]。
