38. Huff raised the house 2.7 meters off the ground on timber pilings in order to ________.
A) withstand peak winds of about 200 km/hr
B) anchor stronger pilings deep in the sand
C) break huge sea waves into smaller ones
D) prevent water from rushing into the house(D)
39. The main function of the shell is ________.
A) to strengthen the pilings of the house
B) to give the house a better appearance
C) to protect the wooden frame of the house
D) to slow down the speed of the swelling water(B)
40. It can be inferred from the passage that the shell should be ________.
A) fancy-looking
B) waterproof
C) easily breakable
D) extremely strong(C)
這篇材料的內容核心是防風暴的海邊房屋。文章開篇很有意思,巧妙地利用smart的多重含義,達到了雙關語的效果。Some houses are designed to be smart,Others have smart designs。smart的意思很多,如巧妙的,聰明的,漂亮的,瀟灑的,敏捷的。第一個smart應該是漂亮、時髦的意思,而第二個則是聰明的意思。這兩句話的意思就是:有些房子設計時是為了漂亮,另一些房子的設計卻能顯現(xiàn)智慧。而后作者舉出了第二種情況的一個例子,這就引出了文章的核心:防風屋,前文的smart則暗示文章討論的重點可能在于這種房屋的設計聰明在何處。
第一段語焉不詳,必然引起讀者諸多懸疑,第二段馬上把事情前前后后做了概述。這棟聰明的房屋位于南卡羅來納的某島嶼海岸,建造目的是為了代替十年前被颶風摧毀的屋子。十年前的那場颶風造成了18人死亡,破壞或摧毀36000座房屋(killing 18 people and damaging or destroying 36,000 homes)。這一數(shù)據(jù)旨在說明設計這樣一所“聰明”房屋的意義所在。
還是從為何要考慮建造這樣一座房屋說起。第二段已經(jīng)提到,原因是颶風的破壞力太大,這也從另一方面說明房子的抗風性很差。根據(jù)建筑師Ray Huff的說法,這里以前的房子都是簡簡單單建造起來,房子建造要求方面的法律也很松散(poorly constructed, and enforcement of building codes wasn’t strict)。颶風給人們提了個醒(In Hugo’s wake),新的法規(guī)更為嚴格了,所有新建房屋必須能夠抵御一定量級颶風的沖擊,比如Huff設計的這所房子就能抵御時速179 到209 公里的颶風(should be able to withstand a Category 3 hurricane)。
房屋由來介紹完畢,該描述一下房屋本身了。第四段介紹了房子的外觀?催^房子的人說它在晚上就像一個大燈籠(it resemble “a large party lantern ” at night),而實際上,房屋的木質結構已經(jīng)被鋼管加強了(long steel rods to give it extra strength.)。
這是房子設計上的第一個特點:鋼管。為了使房子不受颶風破壞,設計者還用木樁把房子支起,使其離地2.7米(raised it 2.7 meters off the ground on timber pilings)。這是第二個特點。木樁都非常堅固,足以支持房屋重量(strong enough to support the weight);而木樁提供的空間可以使海水從屋底流過,避免流入屋內(pilings allow the surges to run under the house instead of running into it)。
最后一段還講了另外一個設計特點。Huff在木樁外面設計了一圈護板(the timber pilings to be partially concealed by the house’s ground-to-roof shell),這主要是出于視覺美觀的考慮(so that the house doesn’t look like it’s standing with its pant legs pulled up)。這一設計會不會使得木樁結構失效呢?不會,在遇到海水沖擊時,圍板會很容易破碎,從而讓海水從屋底流過(the shell should break apart and let the waves rush under the house)。
36. After the tragedy caused by Hurricane Hugo, new houses built along South Carolina’s shore line are required ________.
A) to be easily reinforced
B) to look smarter in design
C) to meet stricter building standards
D) to be designed in the shape of cubes(C)
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