西安,古稱長安,是著名的古都,也是中華文明的發(fā)祥地。它斷斷續(xù)續(xù)作為13個王朝的首都達1200多年之久。西安是中國古代第一個對外開放的城市。漢唐時期,它是中國政治、經濟、文化和對外交流的中心。西安有很多珍貴的文物和遺址、秦始皇兵馬俑,被譽為“世界第八大奇跡“。西安古城墻是世界上規(guī)模最 大、保存最完整的古城墻遺址。燦爛的文化、悠久的歷史以及豐富的文物和遺址,使得西安享有“自然史博物館“的美稱。
Xi’an, called Chang’an in ancient times, was an ancient capital and the birthplace of Chinese civilization. It served intermittently as the capital of 13 dynasties over 1,200 years. Xi’an was the first city to open its doors to the world in ancient China. In the Han and Tang Dynasties, it was the center of China’s politics, economy, culture and international exchange. There are a large number of treasured cultural relics and sites in Xi’an. The Terra-cotta Warriors and Horses are honored as “The Eighth Wonder of the World“. The Ancient City Wall of Xi’an is the largest, best preserved ruin of ancient city wall in the world. Owing to its brilliant culture, long history, as well as abundant relics and sites, Xi’an enjoys the laudatory title of “Natural History Museum“.
古都 ancient capital
發(fā)祥地 birthplace/cradle
斷斷續(xù)續(xù) intermittently
對外交流 international exchange
珍貴的文物 treasured cultural relics
兵馬俑 the Terra-cotta Warriors and Horses
被譽為 be honored as
保存最完整 best preserved / best kept
古城墻 ancient city wall
遺址 ruin
美稱 laudatory title
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