資料內容: | 英語寫作基礎試題 |
資料格式: | WORD格式 |
資料來源: | 考試吧(Exam8) |
資料下載: | 點擊這里下載 |
I. 重寫句子(20 points,2 points each)
Revise the following sentences according to the requirements.
Example: The history of English words is the history of our civilization in many ways.
(periodic sentence)
In many ways,the history of English words is the history of our civilization.
1.Many people love playing table tennis in China.(periodic sentence)
2.Mary is five,pretty,and wears a dress.(long sentence)
3.The statisticians took the average of the figures for the whole year. Holidays and weekends are included.(simple sentence)
4.The bad boy hit her on the face. She fell onto the floor and cried.(compound sentence)
5.Britain came a narrow second to Hungary with 51%.In Britain,men devoted 49%of their free-time to the box.(complex sentence)
6.They like the chance to make friends. They want to be near their classes. Many students say that.(compound-complex sentence)
7.The learners can draw the pictures in pen. They can also draw the pictures in pencil. (sentence with parallel structure)
8.Fifty-seven percent of young people in the U.S. graduated,and these young people obtained a Bachelor of Arts degree in four years.(sentence with a prepositional phrase)
9.In the United States,the legal age to drink alcohol is twenty-one. Twenty-one is one of the highest in the world.(sentence with a noun phrase)
10.She was finally able to tell her story as now she was divorced.(sentence with a verb-ed...phrase)
、.改寫病句(1 5 points,3 points each)
Correct the errors in the following sentences.
Example:Made by his mother,Tony ate up the cake.
Tony ate up the cake made by his mother.
11.Reading is an important part of our lives it is hard to imagine it can be replaced.
12.Before the widespread use of the Internet. There was no universal way to download new reading materials.
13.Without low-cost transportation .Millions of Africans have a long walk to their destinations.
14.To lose weight,hamburgers must not be eaten.
15.In Africa,people walk to fetch water,get to school and to travel to the market.