Choose the closest paraphrased version after each of the following sentences or the italicized part. Blacken the letter corresponding to your choice on the answer sheet. (1 point each, 10 points in all)
31. This is a deflation of our pretensions, to be sure, but it is also the opening up to our view of a vast and awesome universe.
A. This makes us feel flattered, ...
B. This makes us feel less arrogant, ...
C. This is a lack of trust in our honesty, ...
D. This is a lack of respect for our dignity, ...
32. When you stay in a new environment for a while, you move to stage two—the crisis stage—in which the shine wears off and day-to-day realities sink in.
A. ...your interest begins to disappear and you find life dull.
B. ...the brilliant light goes off and you have nothing to hope for in life.
C. ...the bright color fades and life changes too quickly for you to adapt to.
D. ...your excitement dies out and you have to face unpleasant aspects of life.
33. The old woman did not want to become a burden, and so bore her burden.
A. The old woman took the responsibility to support herself, for she hated to bother and depend on others.
B. Being tired of being a burden on others, the old woman started to take care of herself.
C. Instead of becoming a burden on others, the old woman had to take care of others.
D. Despite her will not to bother others, the old woman became their burden.
34. How do you go about making a boy into a zero?
A. How can you make a boy interested in nothing?
B. What do you do if a boy gets a zero in his exam?
C. How is it possible to turn a boy into a total failure?
D. What does it mean to a boy if he is nobody in school?
35. Now, I didn’t have to say that ... if you ask me, it showed a lot of humility on my part to say a thing like that when, after all, I have got a career of my own to consider...
A. ...I said that at the cost of my own reputation...
B. ...I wouldn’t have said that if I had thought for myself...
C. ...only a modest person like me could say something like that...
D. ...as a person with self-respect, I wouldn’t say that kind of thing...
36. “It’s not so much what my husband says,” a tearful wife confides, “as the way he says it. Why does he have to yell at me?”
A. The way he says it is as important as what he says.
B. What he says matters more than the way he says it.
C. It is the way he says it rather than what he says that hurts me.
D. It is what he says rather than the way he says it that hurts me.
37. But try to break it [the difficult situation the family had to face] gently to Laura.
A. But try to treat Laura politely.
B. But try to free Laura from it carefully.
C. But try to tell Laura this in a tender way.
D. But try to leave Laura without hurting her.
38. Flunk one more course, and I’m out.
A. I cannot put up with another course any more.
B. If I fail another course, I’ll have to leave the university.
C. One more university course is what I need for graduation.
D. I am no longer a university student due to the failure in a course.