| |||||||
稅法 | ||
兼營 |
Also engaged in | |
應(yīng)計稅款 |
Accrued tax | |
從價稅 |
Ad valorem tax | |
加計扣除 |
Additional deduction | |
附加稅 |
Additional tax/Surcharge | |
所得額調(diào)整 |
Adjustment of income | |
稅后所得 |
After-tax income | |
準(zhǔn)予扣除數(shù) |
Allowable deductions | |
稅收可抵免額 |
Allowable tax credit | |
從量定額 |
Amount based on quantity | |
增值額 |
Amount of appreciation/Value added | |
銷售額 |
Amount of sales | |
抵免稅額 |
Amount of tax credit | |
應(yīng)納稅所得額 |
Amount of taxable income | |
扣除項(xiàng)目金額 |
Amount of the deductions | |
適用稅額 |
Applicable tax amount | |
適用稅率 |
Applicable tax rates | |
計稅成本 |
Assessable cost | |
核定所得額 |
Assessable income | |
平均成本利潤率 |
Average cost-plus margin rate | |
平均銷售價格 |
Average sales price | |
營業(yè)稅 |
Business tax | |
偶然所得 |
Casual income | |
所得項(xiàng)目 |
Category of income | |
組成計稅價格 |
Composite taxable price | |
本納稅年度 |
Current tax year | |
所得稅申報 |
Declaration of income tax | |
扣除項(xiàng)目 |
Deductible items | |
免稅項(xiàng)目扣除 |
Deduction of the tax exemption item | |
契稅 |
Deed tax | |
視同銷售 |
Deemed sales/sales equivalent | |
免除納稅義務(wù) |
Discharge of tax obligation | |
應(yīng)稅商品 |
Dutiable goods | |
納稅義務(wù) |
Duty of tax payment | |
權(quán)益性投資收益 |
Earning from equity investments | |
雇員福利,職工福利 |
Employee benefit | |
企業(yè)所得稅 |
Enterprise income tax | |
國外所得收入 |
Foreign earned income | |
一般納稅人 |
General taxpayer | |
特許權(quán)使用費(fèi)所得 |
Income from franchise royalty | |
利息、股息、紅利所得 |
Income from interests, dividends and bonuses | |
勞務(wù)所得 |
Income from labor service | |
財產(chǎn)租賃所得 |
Income from leasing of property | |
生產(chǎn)經(jīng)營所得 |
Income from production and business operation | |
轉(zhuǎn)讓財產(chǎn)所得 |
Income from property transfer | |
工資薪金所得 |
Income from wages, salaries | |
財產(chǎn)轉(zhuǎn)讓收入 |
Income from property transfer | |
所得稅抵免 |
Income tax credit | |
申報繳納所得稅 |
Income tax declaration | |
應(yīng)納所得稅 |
Income tax payable | |
接受捐贈所得 |
Income from donation | |
個人所得稅 |
Individual income tax | |
增值稅進(jìn)項(xiàng)稅額 |
Input value added tax | |
非正常損失 |
Irregular loss | |
滯納金 |
Late fee | |
清算所得稅 |
Liquidation income tax | |
最低應(yīng)納稅所得額 |
Minimum taxable income | |
增值稅起征點(diǎn) |
Minimum threshold of value-added Tax | |
混合銷售行為 |
Mixed sales activities | |
所得稅前凈所得 |
Net income before income tax | |
稅后凈利潤 |
Net profit after tax | |
非貨幣資產(chǎn) |
Non-monetary asset | |
不征稅收入 |
Non-taxable income | |
不計入征稅范圍 |
Not included in the scope of taxable activities | |
財產(chǎn)原值 |
Original value of the property/ Cost of property | |
當(dāng)期銷項(xiàng)稅額 |
Output tax for the period | |
增值稅銷項(xiàng)稅額 |
Output value added tax | |
滯納稅款/欠稅 |
Overdue tax | |
應(yīng)補(bǔ)繳稅款 |
Payment of tax in arrears | |
累進(jìn)稅率 |
Progressive tax rate | |
比例稅率 |
Proportional tax rate | |
公益性捐贈 |
Public welfare donations | |
房產(chǎn)稅 |
居民納稅人 |
Resident taxpayer | |
資源稅 |
Resource tax | |
含稅銷售額 |
Sales amount including tax | |
所得稅征收范圍 |
Scope of income tax/Subject to income tax | |
小規(guī)模納稅人 |
Small-scale taxpayer | |
源泉扣繳 |
Source withholding | |
納稅特別扣除項(xiàng)目 |
Special deductible items | |
特殊性稅務(wù)處理 |
Special tax treatment | |
印花稅 |
Stamp tax | |
應(yīng)征稅額 |
Tax accrued | |
稅額 |
Tax amounts |
稅基/計稅依據(jù) |
Tax base |
稅種 |
Tax category |
消費(fèi)稅稅率 |
Tax computation |
稅收抵免 |
Tax credit |
抵免限額 |
Tax credit quota |
納稅期限 |
Tax deadline |
稅前可扣除項(xiàng)目 |
Tax deductible items |
稅收減免 |
Tax deduction or exemption |
計稅差異 |
Tax differences |
到期應(yīng)納稅款 |
Tax due |
漏稅/逃稅 |
Tax evasion |
免稅 |
Tax exemption |
納稅申報 |
Tax filing |
本期稅額 |
Tax for the period/year |
已納稅額 |
Tax paid |
應(yīng)納稅額 |
Tax payable |
納稅期限 |
Tax payment deadline |
稅率 |
Tax rate |
減稅 |
Tax reduction |
退稅 |
Tax refund |
稅收附加 |
Tax surcharge |
起征點(diǎn) |
Tax threshold |
計稅價格 |
Tax value/Taxable price |
減免稅額 |
Tax amount deducted |
應(yīng)稅所得 |
Taxable income |
應(yīng)稅項(xiàng)目 |
Taxable item |
納稅期間 |
Taxable period |
對股息征稅 |
Taxation of dividends |
免稅收入 |
Tax-exempt income |
免稅稅目 |
Tax-exempt item |
免稅利潤 |
Tax-exempt profit |
含稅價格 |
Tax-included price |
納稅人 |
Taxpayer |
土地使用稅 |
Urban land-use tax |
增值稅 |
Value added tax(VAT) |
土地增值稅 |
Value-added tax on land/Land appreciation tax |
增值稅減免 |
VAT exemption or reduction |
車船稅 |
Vehicle and vessel tax |
車輛購置稅 |
Vehicle purchase tax |
扣繳義務(wù)人 |
Withholding agent |
代扣代繳稅款 |
Withholding and remitting tax |
預(yù)提所得稅 |
Withholding income tax |
零稅率 |
Zero tax rate |