* Internal method to make subtree empty.
void makeEmpty( AvlNode * & t )
if( t != NULL )
makeEmpty( t->left );
makeEmpty( t->right );
delete t;
t = NULL;
* Internal method to print a subtreerooted at t in sorted order.
void printTree( AvlNode *t ) const
if( t != NULL )
printTree( t->left );
cout << t->element<< endl;
printTree( t->right );
* Internal method to clone subtree.
AvlNode * clone( AvlNode *t ) const
if( t == NULL )
return NULL;
return new AvlNode( t->element,clone( t->left ), clone( t->right ), t->height );
// Avl manipulations
*Return the height of node t or -1 if NULL.
int height( AvlNode *t ) const
return t == NULL ? -1 : t->height;
int max( int lhs, int rhs ) const
return lhs > rhs ? lhs : rhs;
* Rotate binary tree node with left child.
* For AVL trees, this is a single rotationfor case 1.
* Update heights, then set new root.
void rotateWithLeftChild( AvlNode * &k2 )
AvlNode *k1 = k2->left;
k2->left = k1->right;
k1->right = k2;
k2->height = max( height(k2->left ), height( k2->right ) ) + 1;
k1->height = max( height(k1->left ), k2->height ) + 1;
k2 = k1;
* Rotate binary tree node with rightchild.
* For AVL trees, this is a single rotationfor case 4.
* Update heights, then set new root.
void rotateWithRightChild( AvlNode * &k1 )
AvlNode *k2 = k1->right;
k1->right = k2->left;
k2->left = k1;
k1->height = max( height(k1->left ), height( k1->right ) ) + 1;
k2->height = max( height(k2->right ), k1->height ) + 1;
k1 = k2;
* Double rotate binary tree node: firstleft child.
* with its right child; then node k3 withnew left child.
* For AVL trees, this is a double rotationfor case 2.
* Update heights, then set new root.
void doubleWithLeftChild( AvlNode * &k3 )
rotateWithRightChild( k3->left );
rotateWithLeftChild( k3 );
* Double rotate binary tree node: firstright child.
* with its left child; then node k1 withnew right child.
* For AVL trees, this is a double rotationfor case 3.
* Update heights, then set new root.
void doubleWithRightChild( AvlNode * &k1 )
rotateWithLeftChild( k1->right );
rotateWithRightChild( k1 );
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