歲月悠悠,滄桑巨變。歷史是最生動的教材。法西斯發(fā)動的侵略戰(zhàn)爭給人類帶來了浩劫,也教育了世界人民。世界人民贏得了戰(zhàn)爭的勝利,贏得了和平與進步。半個世紀過去了,痛苦的回憶,勝利的喜悅,深深的思考,使人們更加清醒。 歷史證明,和平來之不易。世界大戰(zhàn)的悲劇絕不能重演。必須經(jīng)常保持高度警惕,不斷發(fā)展和壯大和平力量,遏制和消除導致戰(zhàn)爭的一切因素。歷史表明,人民終究是自己命運的主人,是社會前進的推動者。凡是正義的和進步的事業(yè)必然要勝利,這是任何力量也扼殺不了和阻擋不住的。
As time moves on everything changes in the world. History is indeedthe most vivid textbook. War of aggression launched by fascists has broughtscourges to mankind but also enlightened people throughout the world.People have not only won the war but also achieved peace and progress. Halfa century later the painful memories joy of victory and soul-searchingpondering have made people more sober-minded. History has demonstrated that peace has not come about easily. Thetragedy of a world war shall never be allowed to repeat itself. One mustalways maintain sharp vigilance develop and strengthen forces for peace andcheck and eliminate all factors leading to war. History has demonstrated that people are in the end masters of theirdestiny and powerful forces promoting social progress. Anything that is justand progressive is bound to win and cannot be smothered or stopped by anyforce.
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