One of the greatest early writers said ...
"Knowledge is power", such is the remard of ...
"......". That is how sb comment ( criticize/ praise...).
"......". How often we hear such words like there.
(先說(shuō)故事主體),this story is not rare.
..., such delimma we often meet in daily life.
..., the story still has a realistic significance.
There are many reasons for ...
Why .... , for one thing,...
The answer to this problem involves many factors.
Any discussion about this problem would inevitably involves ...
The first reason can be obiviously seen.
Most people would agree that...
Some people may neglect that in fact ...
Others suggest that...
Part of the explanation is ...
The advantages for A for outweigh the disadvantages of...
Although A enjoys a distinct advantage ...
Indeed , A carries much weight than B when sth is concerned.
A maybe ... , but it suffers from the disadvantage that...
To understand the truth of ..., it is also important to see...
A study of ... will make this point clear
by Crassus
Those who aim at great deeds must suffer greatly.
Thomas Edison
There is no substitute for hard work.
Leo Tolstoi
The strongest of all warriors are these two- Time and Patience.
Thomas Jefferson
I'm a great believer in luck,
and I find the harder I work...
the more I have of it.
Robert Collier
Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out.
Ray A. Croc
Luck is a dividend of sweat. The more you sweat, the luckier you get.
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