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Part Three  Cloze


  There are ten blanks in the following passage .For each numbered blank, there are four choices marked A,B,C and D. Choose the best one and mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single through the center.

  Jazz is a kind of music that has often been called the only art form to originate in the United States. The history of  _31__ began in the late 1800’s.The music grew from a __32___ of influences, including black American music, African rhythms, American band traditions and instruments, and European harmonies and forms. Much of the best jazz is still written and __33___ in the United States. But musicians from many other countries are __34___ major contributions to jazz. Jazz was actually __35___ appreciated as an important art from in Europe __36___ it gained such recognition in the United States.

  The earliest jazz was performed by black Americans who had little or no training in Western music. These musicians drew on a strong musical culture from __37___ life. As jazz grew __38___ popularity, its sound was influenced by __39___ with formal training and classical backgrounds. During its history, jazz has absorbed influences from the folk and classical music of Africa, Asia, and other parts of the world. The development of instruments with new and __40___ characteristics has also influenced the sound of jazz.

31. A. jazz           B. music             C. art             D. form

32. A. selection       B. emphasis          C. assurance      D. combination

33. A. spoken        B. shown             C. performed       D. understood

34. A. making        B. seeking            C. providing        D. remembering

35. A. restrictively B. widely                 C. slightly          D. flexibly

36. A. unless        B. before              C. however         D. why

37. A. black         B. white               C. yellow          D. red

38. A. on            B. for                 C. in              D. of

39. A. artists        B. audience            C. judges          D. musicians

40. A. similar        B. classified           C. different       D. Western

Part Four  Dialogue Completion


In this part, there are ten short incomplete dialogues between two speakers, each followed by four choices marked A,B,C and D. Choose the one that most appropriately suits the conversational context and best completes the dialogue. Mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center.

41.Susan: Hi, how are you doing?

     Mike: I’m doing great._____?

     Susan: Not too bad.

    A. Why                      B. How about you       C. Is it good for you           D. How do you know it

42.  Mike: I got job offer from Dell.

     John: That’s great news. I’m very happy for you .

     Mike: Thanks. I feel like celebrating. Let’s go have a beer.____

     A. It is rather expensive       B. It’s so fine today       C. It’s on me                D. It’s your turn

43.  Girl: Are you ready to order?

     Man: ___

     Girl: Sure. I’ll be back in a moment.

     A. Can I have one more minute?   B. Yes,I’m ready.     C. Are you sure you’ll be back?   

 D. Do you think I’m ready?

44.  Man: Which way is Aisle(通道) 6A?


Man:  Great. Thank you.

A. In three minutes            B. One moment, please   C. Four blocks away           D. Two rows that way

45. Speaker A: Thank you very much for inviting us to such a delightful dinner.

Speaker B:____

A. You are quite welcome         B. You are so polite   C. Don’t use thanks              D. Don’t be so polite

46. Man: Do I have the pleasure to buy you a drink?


A. It’s your pleasure      B. It’s very kind of you   C. You’re too nice to me   D. You spend money again

47. Student:Hello, this is Bill Aston. I’d like to speak to Professor Mailer, please.


sorry, he is not available at the moment.
Can you tell me who you are?
Who is speaking over there?
There’s no one here by that name. 
48. Speaker A:_______

   Speaker B: Yes,  I’d like to open a savings account.

Can I help you, sir
What do you want to do, sir
Do you have anything to do here
Why have you come here

49. Paul: Why did you tell the whole world about my past!


Oh well, it’s done now. I can’t help
I guess it doesn’t matter that much
Well, I apologize. I got all excited
I don’t think you should complain
50. Cindy: Thanks for all your help.

   Joe: No problem. Have a good day.

   Cindy:_______. Thanks again. Bye.

   A. I will                       B. It will be       C. You too                        D. I think so



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