第 1 頁:單項選擇題 |
第 3 頁:多項選擇題 |
第 4 頁:案例分析題 |
39 A公司是一家有限責任公司,由甲、乙、丙三位股東設立。股東會決定,公司不設立董事會和監(jiān)事會,由大股東甲擔任公司執(zhí)行董事兼任公司監(jiān)事,公司不設經理。
1月1 7日,雙方補簽一份擔保合同,合同約定A公司于1月30日前一次性向B公司預付定金40萬元。1月20日,A公司財務科開出轉賬支票,出納在開具轉賬支票時,其他絕對記載事項填列齊全,但支票的金額和收款人名稱兩項未填,A公司授權事后經由B公司補記,金額為40萬元。1月28日將該支票交付B公司。2月10日,B公司按合同約定向A公司發(fā)貨共800件,并為此支付運費10萬元。A公司收貨后提出以下異議。
(1)①It is legitimate for A Company to have noboard of direCtors and no board of supervisors.ACCording to the Company law of thePeople’s RepubliC of China,as for alimited
liability Company with re1atively 1ess shareholdersor a re1atively small limited liabi1ity Company,itdoes not have to estab1ish a board of direCtors anda board of supervisors.
②It is illegal for A to serve as the exeCutive
direCtor and supervisor of the Company ConCurrently.ACCording to the Company law of the
People’s RepubliC of China,no direCtor or seniormanager may ConCurrently work as a supervisor.
、跧t is legitimate that a Company does not have amanager.As the Company law stipu1ated,aCompany with limitedliability may have amanager,who shall be engaged or dismissed bydeCision of the board of direCtors.In other words,a Company also may not have a manager.
(2)B Company may fill in the amount on thetransfer CheCk afterwards.ACCording to theNegotiable Instruments law of the People’sRepub1iC of China,the amount and the name ofthe payee on a CheCk may be filled in afterwardsby the holder with the authorization of the drawer.
(3)The sales ContraCt shall be effeCtive.
ACCording to the ContraCt law of the PeoplelsRepub1iC of China,where a statutory representative or a responsib1e person of a legal person 0versteps his/her powersandConCludesaContraCt,the representative aCt shall be effeCtiveexCept that the Counterpart knows or ought toknow that he/she is overstepping his/her powers.
(4)The deposit amount shall be effeCtive.ACCording to the regulation,the amount ofdeposit shall not exCeed 20 perCent of the amountof the prinCipal ContraCt.In this Case,theamount of deposit as speCified was 1ess than 20%of 2.3 million Yuan whiCh was the amount of theprinCipal ContraCt.
(5)The deposit ContraCt shall beCome effeCtiveon January 28.ACCording to the Guaranty law ofthe Peop1e’s Repub1iC of China,the depositContraCt shall beCome effeCtive on the date of theaCtual delivery of the deposit.
(6)The freight Charges shall be borne by BCompany.ACCording to the ContraCt law of thePeople’sRepubliCofChina,where theresponsibility for the expenses of performanCe isnot Clear,and Cannot be determined in aCCordanCewith the law,the party fulfillng the obligationsshall bear the expenses.