第 1 頁:模擬試題 |
第 4 頁:答案及解析 |
11. To achieve fluency, when should correction be conducted?
A. After class.
B. The moment error occurs.
C. At the summary stage of the activity.
D. During the course of the communication.
12. A teacher showed students an example and explained the usage of past perfect tense, and asked students to list ten"past perfect tense" sentences by imitating that example. What's the teacher' s grammar teaching method?
A. Consolidation.
B. Presentation.
C. Deduction.
D. Induction.
13. Teaching activities must be based on the students' cognitive development level and the existing experienced knowledge, thus, students' personal knowledge, students' life world and are also the important curriculum resources except textbook.
A. game activities
B. labour activities
C. attitude
D. direct experience
14. What's the overall goal of English teaching in basic education stage?
A. Increase students' vocabulary and grammar of the knowledge.
B. Improve students' English learning and foreign cultural interesting.
C. Cultivate students' ability of listening and spoken English.
D. Cultivate students' comprehensive capability of language.
15. Which one does not belong to subjective quiz questions in the following English tests?
A. Writing.
B. Oral test.
C. Translation.
D. Cloze.
16. Which is the most advantageous relationship mode between teachers and students for the development of students?
A. Managerial mode.
B. Permissive mode.
C. Arbitrary mode.
D. Democratic mode.
17. Cooperative learning emphasizes on__________ and collective responsibility.
A. teachers' responsibility
B. individual responsibility
C. solely responsibility
D. team responsibility
18. What is the teacher doing by saying this in terms of instruction?
"Now, did the questions help you understand the text better? "
A. Observing the activity.
B. Evaluating the activity.
C. Monitoring the activity.
D. Controlling the activity.
19. Which aspect of vocabulary is trained in the following?
The teacher asks the students to read the following passage to tell the writer's attitude towards the woman he is interviewing.
Tall, tanned and debonair, Hazel Henderson is an unlikely revolutionary. She greets me with a warm smile and orders a port of tea, unlike the well-heeled matrons staying at this comfortable hotel.
A. Register.
B. Connotation.
C. Collocation.
D. Constitution.
20. To establish the evaluation index system of evaluation of students' all-round development must include__________ .
A. subject learning goals
B. general development goals
C. subject learning goals and general development goals
D. emotional goals
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